Blonde Miss World 1951–

Oil on canvas, 120 x 120 cm, 2006–ongoing

Now you see it, now you don’t. Now you think you know it, now you don’t. Now you feel it — or you fool yourself to believe so. Shades and shapes, emotions and motions. Nuances and connotations that run amok and stand still. Contradictions and collisions that are at the heart of the process of becoming. Always a singular and specific process through which a painting becomes what it is: a way for us to relate and reflect who we are, where we are and how are we where we are and what we are. And this, you know, needless to say, is just for starters.

A series of paintings that starts with Miss Number 1, dating to the year of 1951 when the competition was first launched, and that continues as long as these events are organized and women with blonde hair, original or manufactured, win them.  

Mika Hannula, from the book, Blonde Miss World 1951–, see scanned pdf from Reykjavik’s Art Museum by clicking link to the right.


  • Reykjavik Art Museum
  • Gothenburg Konsthall
  • North Dakota Museum of Art, US
  • Helsinki Contemporary
  • ASI Art Gallery, Reykjavik
  • and more