Großbau Märkisch Buchholz

Oil on Canvas, 200 x 150 cm and oil on paper, 76 x 56 cm, 2018

Series of paintings after photographs in a found, German family photo album. The series deals with memories. Found and if possible appropriated ones.

Memories make us the unique individuals we are. They shape our own creativity and our ability to be receptive. We are nothing but memories, good or bad. Our behaviour and experiences instantly become memories, some strong, some not, some easier to steer away, some not.

When recalling a memory, we relive it and by that the memory is bound to change, not the least because we see and remember it differently, based on new experiences and something we have learned in the meantime. Therefore, we can say that we are constantly recreating memories, while remembering them. Does that make the new memory truer or not? More effective or perhaps more affective? More painful or joyful? Less wistful or nostalgic? Can we nonstop acquire new memories, or does it come with a cost of older memories being lost or forgotten for a while, put down in the treasure chest of memories that we all keep well hidden, within ourselves.


  • Berg Contemporary, Reykjavík